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About Us

Hawks & Associates

Founded by former engineers who previously worked in the automotive sector, our team is driven to improve the atmospheres and environments affecting lives.  The importance of clean energy is more critical than ever, therefore creating sustainable solutions that support industry growth and employees well being must be orchestrated.    


Our mission is to improve environments by partnering with industry to examine various methods of energy conservation and supporting businesses that seek to understand the importance of creating healthy environments.  Our solutions involve educating and collaborating with clients that identify energy remedies in the area of lighting, the power of solar, optimizing heating systems, and transforming the world by reducing carbon. 


Improving the performance of your industrial or commercial facility means creating a comprehensive assessment where leaders are informed to make appropriate and right decisions. Therefore, our teams' review, analyze, develop, and implement energy solutions that include comprehensive energy assessments. 


We offer a wide range of consulting services to serve a variety of businesses and clients. Whether you’re a small, local business or a multinational corporation, here are some ways we can help you:


  • Assessing The Entire Building Envelope.


  • Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems.


  • Operations/Maintenance procedures employed to identify high-impact opportunities for energy reduction.


  • Implementing EV Charging Stations to reduce Co2 levels  


Hawks & Associates provides energy-efficient engineering services supporting various industries including:


  • Academic


  • Manufacturing 


  • Municipal


  • Industrial / Warehousing


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