Commercial Lighting
LED lights also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by requiring less power and are less attractive to insects than HID lights. By replacing the inefficient ballast technology of HID lighting, companies can institute dimming and other controls that reduce energy costs and consumption.
Key Benefits of LED Lighting:
Reducing direct energy costs related to lighting. Significant and easily verifiable annual savings allow for direct increase in the facility's profitability.
Optimized light levels. Improved color quality, consistency and efficacy of light, resulting in a safer, more productive work environment.
Reduce maintenance operating expenses. Industry-leading product warranties and rated lives will return significant costs associated with lighting maintenance to the operating budget. This will result in increasing monthly cash flow due to a reduction in operating expenses.
Maximizing rebate and tax incentives. Hawks & Associates will act as your advocate with utility programs to maximize available rebates and tax incentives.
Reducing carbon footprint. Elimination of hazardous fluorescent waste and significant reduction in electricity usage will help facility management achieve its sustainability goals and position itself as a leader in the industry.